Knit to This: Getting Away from It All
Ann Shayne
The endless category of space movies is really working for me these days.Ann Shayne
The endless category of space movies is really working for me these days.Kay Gardiner
There's no time like the present! Sign up now so you don't miss out on any of the fun we've got planned.Kay Gardiner
You keep knitting on something, and suddenly it's a shawl.Kay Gardiner
Color and pattern and exuberant joy are on the way. We can hardly believe it, but it's true.Ann Shayne
We're celebrating Andrew and Andrea Doig of the beloved podcast Fruity Knitting.Kay Gardiner
A triumph of knitterly sleight of hand: a cardigan that can be worn two ways, with genius details. Plus: another knitalong prize winner!Kate Atherley
Gather 'round for an ode to the garter tab cast-on.Kay Gardiner
Dance to This: David Byrne's American Utopia (Film)Kay GardinerDear Ann, This is just what we need right now: Spike Lee’s film version of David Byrne’s American Utopia, which was just released. When I danced to some of this music in…Ann Shayne
The West Wing it ain't. Aaron Sorkin's new movie takes us back to the tumult of 1968.Jen Arnall-Culliford
A brilliantly simple tip and a timely tutorial for a fine finish to your Field Guide No. 15 projects.Ann Shayne
What's your plan to vote? Make it real and come write it down in our comments.Kay Gardiner
Yarn we never thought we'd see has appeared, and we are thrilled to introduce it to you.DG Strong
In which we welcome DG Strong, a new contributor who will delight and amuse you.Kay Gardiner
Gleem Lace: double- or single-stranded, there's a world of swingy, silky possibilities.Kay Gardiner
Extracurricular DIY at its zaniest.